Wacky Writer Who Writes Whenever

Star Wars

Star Wars: Birth of the Sith — Now Available!

For 12 long years, since the spring of 2007, I have worked on and off on my Star Wars trilogy fanfiction, Birth of the Sith.

I originally wrote the story between 2007 and 2011, and thought I had officially put it to bed on July 12, 2011. But, during Camp NaNoWriMo 2017 and NaNoWriMo 2017, I had such a good time revisiting my Harry Potter fanfic, A Loyal Friend that I thought it would be a good idea to revisit the old Star Wars, which became Birth of the Sith when I was planning out the rewrite.

So, beginning with Camp NaNoWriMo in July 2018, I started planning out the rewrite. I branded it as Birth of the Sith and knew it would contain the main trilogy, along with an extended prologue that would detail the two main characters as children. I was not initially planning to write a chapter that takes place between the prologue and part one, but on the second to last day of NaNoWriMo 2018, I came up with the idea for a chapter, and had to write it.

I am happy to announce today that I have finished revising and editing the story and it is now available in its entirety on my fanfiction.net profile for you to read.

The story is split up into the prologue, the bonus chapter and the main trilogy. I will share them in the order they are to be read in so you don’t read it in the wrong order. Click on the title name on each part to read the story. Enjoy!

  1. Prologue: A Jedi Falls
  2. Recruitment, the bonus chapter
  3. Part One: The Dark Order
  4. Part Two: Wipeout
  5. Part Three: Balance of the Force

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