Wacky Writer Who Writes Whenever


Some favorite photos of fireworks

Fireworks are one of the most fun subjects to photograph. A photographer can easily take thousands of photos of fireworks and manage to get unique photos every time.

Over the years, I have taken photos of fireworks, both on the Fourth of July and otherwise. They are probably my favorite non-human subject to photograph, in part because of their uniqueness in every individual photograph.

Here are some of my favorite photos of fireworks I have taken over the years, beginning with the Fourth of July 2013.

These photos from 2013 were shot with my first DSLR camera, a Rebel T3 canon camera.

Small tanks fire across the wooden board set up to hold the smaller fireworks.


Snake fireworks have always fascinated me. If I’m not mistaken, this was the first kind of firework I ever lit on my own as a young child.


Sparks flying everywhere!


It’s always great capturing a moment like this. It’s like the firework is frozen in the air as it explodes.


This may have been part of the finale of our fireworks in 2013, given the amount of boxes seen below the sparks.


This next batch of photos comes from the Fourth of July in 2014. By then, I had upgraded my camera to a Canon 60D, which has been my camera for a little more than a decade.

Dad hopping over the fireworks. He picked up this habit from our friend Mark the previous year and it was a little tradition for me to take photos of Dad jumping over the fireworks. He’s even made this one his Facebook profile picture over the years.


I love this photo because the smoke shooting out from the fireworks really adds something to the picture, even with the sparks flying through the air.


I always think this photo makes it look like Dad is flying over the fireworks.


A few months after the Fourth in 2014, I was in Andover’s Central Park for the fireworks show for Greater Andover Days 2014. I ended up shooting some of my favorite photos of fireworks ever on this day.

This giant firework explodes over Andover Central Park. I love the smoke in the center of the firework.


This one will forever be my favorite photo of fireworks I’ve ever taken. I love how huge these two fireworks are and how it takes up the entire image.


Based on the colors in this photo, I believe this was a second or two after the previous photo.


This one always makes me laugh because the smoke makes it look like popcorn is floating in the sky.


These next four were taken on the Fourth of July in 2016. It was the first time I wasn’t shooting photos of fireworks in Andover and it was odd not being in my backyard taking photos of fireworks.

The red and the green in this photo makes it look like this should be fireworks shot on Christmas!


Lots of sparks flying through the air!


Some of the reddest fireworks I’ve ever seen!


This one almost makes it look like these were lines drawn in the sky.


I think this is about eight fireworks exploding all at once!


The most recent time I’ve shot fireworks was two years ago, on July 4, 2022. I traveled with my neighbors to the big HEB and we parked across the street to watch the show.

One thing I loved about these fireworks was the variety of color in them. It was so pretty!


I love the variety of fireworks in this one.


So much color!


There is a lot of variety in this shot, too! I think this may have been during the finale.

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