Wacky Writer Who Writes Whenever

Star Wars, Writing

Project for NaNoWriMo 2022

For NaNoWriMo 2022, I will be heading into a Galaxy Far, Far Away.

And similar to the way I combined two fandoms in my 2020 project, No Fate, I am going to combine the fandoms of Star Wars and Stranger Things. Like No Fate, I will take the plots of the first three Star Wars films (and by this I mean the original trilogy) and stripping away most of the Star Wars characters. In their stead, characters of Stranger Things will occupy roles held by the Star Wars characters.

While I’m still early into the planning of this story, I know it will largely follow the plot of the original trilogy, and there will be elements of Rogue One present as a prologue. I also know there will be an arc that will be original to the story that takes place after the events of A New Hope and before The Empire Strikes Back.

As I’m putting the Stranger Things characters into roles in Star Wars, many of them will parallel a Star Wars character in terms of their relationships both to the plot and to the other characters.

Like the original trilogy, my fic, tentatively titled Stranger Wars until I either come up with something else or decide to stick with that title, will follow a trio of characters in their adventures in space. My Han, Luke and Leia will be Mike, El and Will. I’m reversing the gender of who is who in this story; El will be the character who trains to be a Jedi while Will is going to best the member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.

Rounding out the Star Wars trio (in the first film, anyway) was Chewbacca, Han’s co-pilot. For my story, the character will be human and will be Dustin Henderson, operating as Mike’s co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon.

Lando Calrissian will also be present in the form of Lucas Sinclair. Lucas’ Lando will also be married to Max Mayfield, who I’m thinking of paralleling to the character Lobot, though I’m also considering the same for Lucas’ sister, Erica.

Unique to my story, the mother of the twins (Padme in the Star Wars world) will play a major part in this story. I do not have it in me to kill of Joyce, so instead she will have a role in the story as part of the Rebellion. Jonathan will also play a role in the Rebellion.

The father of the twins will have a major role as well. To fit this story, Hopper will be the parallel to Darth Vader. He will be referred to as Vader and will reveal himself as the father to one of the twins. Hopper as Vader will be apprentice to The Emperor, who will remain the same character from the Star Wars films.  Meanwhile, Vader’s counterpart in A New Hope, Grand Moff Tarkin, will be portrayed by Martin Brenner, who I have no trouble killing off (especially after reading the Stranger Things book Suspicious Minds; give that a read if you haven’t yet).

As for Obi-Wan Kenobi, he will have a part to play in this story as well. Bob Newby (you know, Superhero Bob Newby) will take his role as the one who helps start the Jedi on their path (in this case, El).

Most of the droid and other alien characters from the films will be portrayed much the same as their original incarnation in Star Wars. C-3PO and R2-D2 will be present, as will Master Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi arcs of the story.

I have other thoughts and plans for other Stranger Things characters not mentioned. Like I said I’m still plotting out this story, and I don’t want to give everything away yet, so my readers will just have to wait.

I will be writing this story come November for NaNoWriMo 2022. I’ll take December off for the holidays and to work on other projects before revisiting this story in January 2023.

Until then, Happy May the Fourth.

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