Wacky Writer Who Writes Whenever

Star Wars

Birth of the Sith character: Vulcan Gunner/Lord Nacluv

Vulcan Gunner, also known as Lord Nacluv, the Founder of the Sith.

Today’s character from Birth of the Sith being introduced is Vulcan Gunner, who later becomes Lord Nacluv, the founder of the Sith.

When the story begins, Vulcan is a promising Jedi Initiate and is best friends with Solin Malice, who has already been taken on as an apprentice to Sabe Organa. Vulcan hopes to impress the Jedi Masters and takes it upon himself to research the great mysteries of the Force. However, his researching becomes a concern of the Jedi Masters, in particular Sabe and his former master, Elocin Trahkrik, who both fear Vulcan is being tempted to use the Dark Side of the Force in his research.

Following an incident during a training exercise, Vulcan is expelled from the Jedi Order. He is exiled to his home planet of Ord Mantell. Following his expulsion, he freely immerses himself in the Dark Side of the Force and creates a new identity for himself: Lord Nacluv, the Dark Lord of the Sith.

In between the prologue and part one, which take place 15 years apart, Nacluv amasses a large following, recruiting several Dark Jedi and other Force sensitives to his cause. His two immediate apprentices are Tosan Inte and Lord Tobos. During a blockade over Ord Mantell, which Nacluv is behind, two Jedi are brought into the mix to negotiate an end to the dispute. One of the Jedi: his old friend, Solin Malice.

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